> 13 - S. American Odyssey: San Diego to Lima

47 Old mansions
48 Beautiful gardens
49 Land of volcanoes
50 No guns here!
51 Our lunch!
52 An unrestored treasure
53 Pretty streets
54 Stunning flowers
55 Intriguing sculpture
56 Happy travelers
57 From the bus - a mysterious presence
58 Nicaragua, land of lakes
59 Leon, Nicaragua gallery in a mansion
60 No picture taking allowed
61 Gallery gardens
62 Gallery window to the street
63 More gallery gardens
64 Old cars, lots of bicycles
65 Early campaign signage
66 Political expression
67 Cathedral in Leon
68 Inside the cathedral
69 Cathedral detail
70 Fun in the plaza
71 Nicaraguan tacos and beer
72 Quiet simplicity
73 A nice place to live
74 We'll be back!
75 Back on the ship for dinner
76 Meeting nice people
77 Night night
78 And now a tour in Costa Rica
79 Giant crocodiles
80 Exotic plants
81 Dramatic vistas
82 A guided rain forest hike
83 Rich vegetation
84 Beautiful in death
85 We crossed three suspension bridges
86 Ecolodge and botanical gardens
87 Carolyn made  friend
88 Perry found an interesting plant
89 Rain forest and mountains
90 Back on ship for the night
91 Manta, Ecuador, under cloudy skies
92 Not your typical tourist town
93 Anatomy and sex education on the plaza
94 Friends from Singapore
95 Arriving Salaverry, Peru
96 Tugs are amazing!
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