Let’s discuss, for a minute, the house numbering system in Kino Bay. That is to say the addresses posted along Avenida Mar de Cortez, the main street that follows the gently curving coastline in a long graceful arc from east to west.
As you drive along admiring the stunning ocean views and some of the very nice homes that line the beach, try to pay at least some attention to the addresses. They appear here and there in a rational, descending, order. There’s the 5400 block, followed as you’d expect by the 5300 block, then the 5200 block and so on. Some homes are missing their numbers, but many are well posted and visible as you drive on toward the western end and the older part of New Kino. You have a sense of assurance that there’s a plan, that you’ll actually find the house you’re looking for. All is well with the universe.
Then, in the 3900 block, you encounter 726, 728 and 767 (with the last 7 upside down). Somehow the numbers are now completely different and they’ve reversed; they’re now ascending as you head westward. And some numbers on the other side of the street have been following a different and entirely unrecognizable logic of their own. But you’ve managed to ignore that, so far.
The situation is, or so we’ve been told, that someone laid out all the numbers starting from the western end, and someone else laid out a separate numbering system from the east. And to make things interesting, some guy came up with a third numbering system. We don’t know where this third numbering system starts and ends and we’re not sure we want to know at this time.
So the best approach is to assume nothing as you enter Bahia de Kino. At this point you’ll be well advised to dig out the copious notes your host insisted on giving you, and which you thought would be unnecessary. Simply drive onward and pay close attention until you happen to encounter the number you’re looking for. With any luck, you’ll find your destination before dark. Or maybe not.
Fortunately, our own address is very easy to find. We’re located at 2645 Avenida Mar de Cortez. It’s right next to 1505. You can’t miss it. — PRW